Nedenfor har vi samlet referencer vedrørende negative konsekvenser af fysisk inaktivitet og referencer for den positive effekt VR kan bidrage med (impact). Fysisk inaktivitet har negative effekter for ældre indlagte patienter og borgere på hospitaler, rehabiliteringscentre, midlertidige rehabiliteringspladser, plejecentre, bosteder og neurorehabiliteringscentre.
Læs mere om VR-træning ved at klik på en af de følgende målgrupper.
A. Povlsen, S., Dela, F., and Suetta, C. (2021). Virtual Reality cycling exercise for elderly inpatient rehabilitation: an exploratory RCT. Abstract published at the research day for Danish Association for Geriatrics and Rehabilitation International World Congress.
B. Oestergaard, A. S., Mathiesen, M. H., Karlsen, A., Turtumoeygaard, I. F., Vahlgren, J., Kjaer, M., and Beyer, N. (2018). In acutely admitted geriatric patients, offering increased physical activity during hospitalization decreases length of stay and can improve mobility. Translational Sports Medicine 1, no. 1: 46-53.
C. Ulrich S. R. (1984). View through a Window May Influence Recovery from Surgery. Science 224.
D. Hammoud, R., Tognin, S., Burgess, L. et al. (2022). Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment reveals mental health benefits of birdlife. Sci Rep 12, 17589.
1. Statistikbanken. (2022). Accessed on February 8th 2022.
2. Fisher, S. R., Graham J. E., Ottenbacher,K. J., Deer, R. and Ostir, G., V. (2016). "Inpatient walking activity to predict readmission in older adults." Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97, no. 9: S226-S231.
3. Maayan, A., Zisberg, A., Gil, E., Rand, D., Gur-Yaish,N. and Azriel. M. (2017)."Association between 900 steps a day and functional decline in older hospitalized patients." JAMA Internal Medicine 177, no. 2: 272-274.
4. Baldwin, C., Van Kessel, G., Phillips, A., Johnston, K. (2009). Accelerometry Shows Inpatients With Acute Medical or Surgical Conditions Spend Little Time Upright and Are Highly Sedentary: Systematic Review.
5. Oestergaard, A. S., Mathiesen, M. H., Karlsen, A., Turtumoeygaard, I. F., Vahlgren, J., Kjaer, M. and Beyer, N. (2018). "In acutely admitted geriatric patients, offering increased physical activity during hospitalization decreases length of stay and can improve mobility." Translational Sports Medicine 1, no. 1: 46-53.
6. Pedersen, M. M., Bodilsen, A. C., Petersen, J., Beyer, N., Andersen, O., Lawson-Smith, L., Kehlet, H. and Bandholm.T. (2013). "Twenty-four-hour mobility during acute hospitalization in older medical patients." Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences 68, no. 3: 331-337.
7. Kramer, A., Gollhofer, A., Armbrecht, G., Felsenberg, D., Gruber, M. (2017). “How to prevent the detrimental effects of two months of bed-rest on muscle, bone and cardiovascular system: an RCT”. Sci Rep 7, 13177.
8. Krogh-Madsen, R., Thyfault, J. P., Broholm, C., Mortensen, O. H., Olsen, R. H., Mounier, R., Plomgaard, P., van Hall, G., Booth, F. W., and Pedersen, B. K. (2010). "A 2-wk reduction of ambulatory activity attenuates peripheral insulin sensitivity." Journal of applied physiology 108, no. 5: 1034-1040.
9. Ryom, K., Eshøj, S., Simonsen C. B., Nielsen, G., Troelsen, J., Maindal, H. T. (2019). ”Inaktivitet i Danmark, delrapport 1: Kortlægning af eksisterende viden om faktorer, der påvirker inaktivitet”. Faglig rapport fra Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet; No. 1, Aarhus: Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet: 56.
10. Valenzuela, P. L., Morales, J. S., Castillo-García, A., Mayordomo-Cava, J., García-Hermoso, A., Izquierdo, M., Serra-Rexach, J. A. and Lucia A. (2020). "Effects of exercise interventions on the functional status of acutely hospitalised older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis." Ageing research reviews 61: 101076.
11. Boyd, C. M., Landefeld, C. S.,Counsell, S. R., Palmer, R. M., Fortinsky, R. H., Kresevic, D., Burant, C. and Covinsky. K. E. (2008). "Recovery of activities of daily living in older adults after hospitalization for acute medical illness." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56, no. 12: 2171-2179.
12. Bouaziz, W., Schmitt, E., Kaltenbach, G., Geny, B. and Vogel, T. (2015). "Health benefits of cycle ergometer training for older adults over 70: a review." European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 12, no. 1: 1-13.
13. Barber, S. E., Forster, A., and Birch, K. M. (2015). "Levels and patterns of daily physical activity and sedentary behavior measured objectively in older care home residents in the United Kingdom." Journal of aging and physical activity 23, no. 1: 133-143.
14. Parry, S., Chow, M., Batchelor, F. and Fary. R., E. (2019). "Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in a residential aged care facility." Australasian journal on ageing, no. 1.
15. Martínez-Velilla, N., Cadore, E. L., Casas-Herrero, A., Idoate-Saralegui, F. and Izquierdo, M. (2016). "Physical activity and early rehabilitation in hospitalized elderly medical patients: systematic review of randomized clinical trials." The journal of nutrition, health & aging 20, no. 7: 738-751.
16. Martínez-Velilla, N., Cadore, E. L., Casas-Herrero, A., Idoate-Saralegui, F. and Izquierdo, M. (2016). "Physical activity and early rehabilitation in hospitalized elderly medical patients: systematic review of randomized clinical trials." The journal of nutrition, health & aging 20, no. 7: 738-751.
17. Martínez-Velilla, N., Casas-Herrero, A., Zambom-Ferraresi, F., Sáez de Asteasu, M. L., Lucia, A., Galbete, A., García-Baztán A., Alonso-Renedo, J., Gonzalez-Glaira, B., Gonzalo-Lazaro, M., Iraizoz I., A., Gutierrez-Valencia, M., Rodriguez-Manas, L. and Izquiredo, M. (2019). "Effect of exercise intervention on functional decline in very elderly patients during acute hospitalization: a randomized clinical trial." JAMA internal medicine 179, no. 1: 28-36.
18. Sáez de Asteasu, M. L., Martínez-Velilla, N., Zambom-Ferraresi, F., Casas-Herrero, A., Cadore, E.,L., Galbete, A. and Izquierdo. M. (2019). "Assessing the impact of physical exercise on cognitive function in older medical patients during acute hospitalization: Secondary analysis of a randomized trial." PLoS medicine 16, no. 7: e1002852.
19. Saez de Asteasu, M. L., Martínez‐Velilla, N., Zambom‐Ferraresi, F., Casas‐Herrero, Á., Cadore, E. L., Ramirez‐Velez, R. and Izquierdo, M. (2019). "Inter‐individual variability in response to exercise intervention or usual care in hospitalized older adults." Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 10, no. 6: 1266-1275.
20. McCullagh, R., Dillon, C., Dahly, D., Horgan, N. F. and Timmons, S. (2016). "Walking in hospital is associated with a shorter length of stay in older medical inpatients." Physiological measurement 37, no. 10: 1872.
21. Diehl, W., Schüle, K. and Kaiser, T. (2008). "Use of an assistive movement training apparatus in the rehabilitation of geriatric patients." NeuroGeriatrie 5, no. 1: 3-12.
22. García-Hermoso, A., Ramirez-Vélez, R., Sáez de Asteasu, M. L., Martínez-Velilla, N., Zambom-Ferraresi,F., Valenzuela, P. L., Lucia, A. and Izquierdo, M. (2020). "Safety and effectiveness of long-term exercise interventions in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Sports Medicine 50, no. 6: 1095-1106.
23. Aslan, D. H., Collette, J. M. and Ortega, J. D. (2020). "Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults." Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29, no. 1: 36-42.
24. Malatesta, D., Simar, D., Ben Saad, H., Préfaut, C. and Caillaud, C. (2010). "Effect of an overground walking training on gait performance in healthy 65-to 80-year-olds." Experimental gerontology 45, no. 6: 427-434.
Midlertidige rehabiliteringspladser og rehabiliteringscenter
1. Definition af midletidige døgndækkende pladser. (2022). Accessed on on February 18th 2022.
2. Statistikbanken. (2022). Accessed on February 8th 2022.
3. Fisher, S. R., Graham J. E., Ottenbacher,K. J., Deer, R. and Ostir, G., V. (2016). "Inpatient walking activity to predict readmission in older adults." Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97, no. 9: S226-S231.
4. Maayan, A., Zisberg, A., Gil, E., Rand, D., Gur-Yaish,N. and Azriel. M. (2017)."Association between 900 steps a day and functional decline in older hospitalized patients." JAMA Internal Medicine 177, no. 2: 272-274.
5. Baldwin, C., Van Kessel, G., Phillips, A., Johnston, K. (2009). Accelerometry Shows Inpatients With Acute Medical or Surgical Conditions Spend Little Time Upright and Are Highly Sedentary: Systematic Review.
6. Oestergaard, A. S., Mathiesen, M. H., Karlsen, A., Turtumoeygaard, I. F., Vahlgren, J., Kjaer, M. and Beyer, N. (2018). "In acutely admitted geriatric patients, offering increased physical activity during hospitalization decreases length of stay and can improve mobility." Translational Sports Medicine 1, no. 1: 46-53.
7. Pedersen, M. M., Bodilsen, A. C., Petersen, J., Beyer, N., Andersen, O., Lawson-Smith, L., Kehlet, H. and Bandholm.T. (2013). "Twenty-four-hour mobility during acute hospitalization in older medical patients." Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences 68, no. 3: 331-337.
8. Kramer, A., Gollhofer, A., Armbrecht, G., Felsenberg, D., Gruber, M. (2017). “How to prevent the detrimental effects of two months of bed-rest on muscle, bone and cardiovascular system: an RCT”. Sci Rep 7, 13177.
9. Krogh-Madsen, R., Thyfault, J. P., Broholm, C., Mortensen, O. H., Olsen, R. H., Mounier, R., Plomgaard, P., van Hall, G., Booth, F. W., and Pedersen, B. K. (2010). "A 2-wk reduction of ambulatory activity attenuates peripheral insulin sensitivity." Journal of applied physiology 108, no. 5: 1034-1040.
10. Ryom, K., Eshøj, S., Simonsen C. B., Nielsen, G., Troelsen, J., Maindal, H. T. (2019). ”Inaktivitet i Danmark, delrapport 1: Kortlægning af eksisterende viden om faktorer, der påvirker inaktivitet”. Faglig rapport fra Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet; No. 1, Aarhus: Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet: p.56.
11. Martinez-Veilla, N., Cadore, E. L., Casas-Herrero, Á., Idoate-Saralegui, F., Izquierdo, M. (2016). "Physical activity and early rehabilitation in hospitalized elderly medical patients: systematic review of randomized clinical trials." The journal of nutrition, health & aging 20, no. 7: 738-751.
12. Saez de Asteasu, M. L., Martínez‐Velilla, N., Zambom‐Ferraresi, F., Casas‐Herrero, Á., Cadore, E. L., Ramirez‐Velez, R. and Izquierdo, M. (2019). "Inter‐individual variability in response to exercise intervention or usual care in hospitalized older adults." Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 10, no. 6: 1266-1275.
13. Kemoun, G., Thibaud, M., Roumagne, N., Carette, P., Albinet, C., Toussaint, L., Paccalin, M. and Dugué, B. (2010). "Effects of a physical training programme on cognitive function and walking efficiency in elderly persons with dementia." Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 29, no. 2: 109-114.
14. Bouaziz, W., Schmitt, E., Kaltenbach, G., Geny, B. and Vogel, T. (2015). "Health benefits of cycle ergometer training for older adults over 70: a review." European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 12, no. 1: 1-13.
15. Boyd, C. M., Landefeld, C. S., Counsell, S. R., Palmer, R. M., Fortinsky, R. H., Kresevic, D., Burant, C. and Covinsky. K. E. (2008). "Recovery of activities of daily living in older adults after hospitalization for acute medical illness." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56, no. 12: 2171-2179.
16. Diehl, W., Schüle, K. and Kaiser, T. (2008). "Use of an assistive movement training apparatus in the rehabilitation of geriatric patients." NeuroGeriatrie 5, no. 1: 3-12.
17. García-Hermoso, A., Ramirez-Vélez, R., Sáez de Asteasu, M. L., Martínez-Velilla, N., Zambom-Ferraresi,F., Valenzuela, P. L., Lucia, A. and Izquierdo, M. (2020). "Safety and effectiveness of long-term exercise interventions in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Sports Medicine 50, no. 6: 1095-1106.
18. Aslan, D. H., Collette, J. M. and Ortega, J. D. (2020). "Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults." Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29, no. 1 :36-42.
19. Malatesta, D., Simar, D., Ben Saad, H., Préfaut, C. and Caillaud, C. (2010). "Effect of an overground walking training on gait performance in healthy 65-to 80-year-olds." Experimental gerontology 45, no. 6: 427-434.
20. Petersen, J. D., Siersma, V. D., Christensen, R. D., Storsveen, M. M., Nielsen, C. T. and Waldorff, F. B. (2018). "The risk of fall accidents for home dwellers with dementia—A register-and population-based case-control study." Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 10: 421-428.
21. Van Doorn, C., Gruber‐Baldini, A. L., Zimmerman, S., Hebel, J. R., Port, C. L., Baumgarten, M., Quinn C. C., Taler, G., May, C. and Magaziner, J. (2003). "Dementia as a risk factor for falls and fall injuries among nursing home residents." Journal of the American geriatrics society 51, no. 9: 1213-1218.
1. Ældresagen. (2022). Accessed on February 8th 2022.
2. Danmarks Statistik. (2022). Accessed on February 8th 2022.
3. Eurostat. (2018). Accessed on February 8th 2022.
4. WHO. Ageing and Health. (2022). Accessed on 8th February 2022.
5. Barber, S. E., Forster, A. and Birch, K. M. (2015). "Levels and patterns of daily physical activity and sedentary behavior measured objectively in older care home residents in the United Kingdom." Journal of aging and physical activity 23, no. 1: 133-143.
6. Parry, S., Chow, M., Batchelor, F. and Fary, R. E. (2019). "Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in a residential aged care facility." Australasian journal on ageing38, no. 1: E12-E18.
7. Kramer, A., Gollhofer, A., Armbrecht, G., Felsenberg, D., Gruber, M. (2017). “How to prevent the detrimental effects of two months of bed-rest on muscle, bone and cardiovascular system: an RCT”. Sci Rep 7, 13177.
8. Krogh-Madsen, R., Thyfault, J. P., Broholm, C., Mortensen, O., H., Olsen, R. H., Mounier, R., Plomgaard, P.,van Hall, G., Booth, F. W.. and Pedersen, B. K. (2010). "A 2-wk reduction of ambulatory activity attenuates peripheral insulin sensitivity." Journal of applied physiology 108, no. 5: 1034-1040.
9. Ryom K, Eshøj, S., Simonsen C. B., Nielsen, G., Troelsen, J., Maindal, H. T. (2019). ”Inaktivitet i Danmark, delrapport 1: Kortlægning af eksisterende viden om faktorer, der påvirker inaktivitet”. Faglig rapport fra Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet; No. 1, Aarhus: Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet: 56.
10. Bouaziz, W., Schmitt, E., Kaltenbach, G., Geny, B. and Vogel, T. (2015). "Health benefits of cycle ergometer training for older adults over 70: a review." European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 12, no. 1: 1-13.
11. Boyd, C. M., Landefeld, C. S.,Counsell, S. R., Palmer, R. M., Fortinsky, R. H., Kresevic, D., Burant, C. and Covinsky. K. E. (2008). "Recovery of activities of daily living in older adults after hospitalization for acute medical illness." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56, no. 12: 2171-2179.
12. Diehl, W., Schüle, K. and Kaiser, T. (2008). "Use of an assistive movement training apparatus in the rehabilitation of geriatric patients." NeuroGeriatrie 5, no. 1: 3-12.
13. Kemoun, G., Thibaud, M., Roumagne, N., Carette, P., Albinet, C., Toussaint, L., Paccalin, M. and Dugué, B. (2010). "Effects of a physical training programme on cognitive function and walking efficiency in elderly persons with dementia." Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 29, no. 2: 109-114.
14. García-Hermoso, A., Ramirez-Vélez, R., Sáez de Asteasu, M. L., Martínez-Velilla, N., Zambom-Ferraresi,F., Valenzuela, P. L., Lucia, A. and Izquierdo, M. (2020). "Safety and effectiveness of long-term exercise interventions in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Sports Medicine 50, no. 6: 1095-1106.
15. Aslan, D. H., Collette, J. M. and Ortega, J. D. (2020). "Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults." Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29, no. 1: 36-42.
16. Malatesta, D., Simar, D., Ben Saad, H., Préfaut, C. and Caillaud, C. (2010). "Effect of an overground walking training on gait performance in healthy 65-to 80-year-olds." Experimental gerontology 45, no. 6: 427-434.
17. Van Doorn, C., Gruber‐Baldini, A. L., Zimmerman, S., Hebel, J. R., Port, C. L., Baumgarten, M., Quinn C. C., Taler, G., May, C. and Magaziner, J. (2003). "Dementia as a risk factor for falls and fall injuries among nursing home residents." Journal of the American geriatrics society 51, no. 9: 1213-1218.
18. Petersen, J. D., Siersma, V. D., Christensen, R. D., Storsveen, M. M., Nielsen, C. T. and Waldorff, F. B. (2018). "The risk of fall accidents for home dwellers with dementia—A register-and population-based case-control study." Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 10: 421-428.
Bosteder og neurorehabiliteringscenter
1. Handicap og beskæftigelse. (2019). Accessed on February 22nd 2022.
2. Center for hjerneskade. (2022). Accessed on February 22nd 2022.
3. Hjerneskade Foreningen. (2022). Accessed on February 22nd 2022.
4. Hjerneskade Foreningen. (2022). Accessed 22nd February 2022.
5. Neuro Reabilitatering. (2022). Accessed 18nd February 2022.
6. Brasure, M., Desai, P., Davila, H., Nelson, V. A., Calvert, C., Jutkowitz, E., Butler, M., Fink, H. A., Ratner, E., Hemmy, L. S., McCarten, J. R., Barclay, T. R. and Kane, R. L. (2018) "Physical activity interventions in preventing cognitive decline and Alzheimer-type dementia: a systematic review." Annals of internal medicine 168, no. 1: 30-38.
7. Bherer, L., Erickson, K. I. and Liu-Ambrose, T. (2013). "A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults." Journal of aging research 2013.
8. Colcombe, S., and Kramer., A. F. (2003). "Fitness effects on the cognitive function of older adults: a meta-analytic study." Psychological science 14, no. 2: 125-130.
9. Brunt, A., Albines, D. and Hopkins-Rosseel, D. (2019). "The effectiveness of exercise on cognitive performance in individuals with known vascular disease: a systematic review." Journal of clinical medicine 8, no. 3: 294.
10. Langlois, F., Minh Vu, T. T., Chassé, K., Dupuis, G., Kergoat, M. and Bherer, L. (2013) "Benefits of physical exercise training on cognition and quality of life in frail older adults." Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 68, no. 3: 400-404.
11. Kemoun, G., Thibaud, M., Roumagne, N., Carette, P., Albinet, C., Toussaint, L., Paccalin, M. and Dugué, B. (2010). "Effects of a physical training programme on cognitive function and walking efficiency in elderly persons with dementia." Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders". 29, no. 2: 109-114.
12. Heyn, P., Abreu, B. C. and Ottenbacher.K. J. (2004). "The effects of exercise training on elderly persons with cognitive impairment and dementia: a meta-analysis." Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 85, no. 10: 1694-1704.
13. Thomas, E., Battaglia, G., Patti, A., Brusa, J., Leonardi, V., Palma, V. and Bellafiore, M. (2019). "Physical activity programs for balance and fall prevention in elderly: A systematic review." Medicine 98, no. 27.
14. Kramer, S. F., Hung, S. H. and Brodtmann. A. (2019). "The impact of physical activity before and after stroke on stroke risk and recovery: a narrative review." Current neurology and neuroscience reports 19, no. 6: 1-9.
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