har opsummeret forskningen fra 2 af de førende forskere
Overlæge og professor Charlotte Suetta og forsker Emil Rosenlund Høeg har været forskningsansvarlige på flere af vores studier. De opsummerer vores forskning og nogle af hovedkonklusionerne til (læs artiklen HER).
Vi har indtil videre gennemført 2 kliniske RCT-studier og mere end 20 pilot-studier. Nedenfor har vi samlet en liste med de studier, hvor VR-træning med SYNCSENSE® er blevet undersøgt og evalueret. VR-træning er i dag undersøgt på indlagte patienter og borgere på hospitaler, rehabiliteringscentre, midlertidige rehabiliteringspladser, plejecentre, bosteder og neurorehabiliteringscentre.
Derudover, så har Astronaut Andreas Mogensen sammen med den øvrige ESA og NASA-besætning på den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) undersøgt hvordan VR kan forbedre den mentale og fysiske sundhed (læs feedback og se ESA’s video HER).
Klinisk evidens af VR-træning med SYNCSENSE®
2. kliniske RCT-studie og dets resultater: RCT-studiet er gennemført, men resultaterne er endnu ikke publiceret og offentliggjort.
1. Kliniske RCT-studie og dets resultater: I et klinisk RCT-studie er effekten af VR-cykeltræning undersøgt hos ældre indlagte borgere på midlertidige døgndækkede rehabiliteringspladser. Studiet viste at de ældre borgere havde en positiv oplevelse af VR, samt at gruppen, der fik cykling med VR, havde en signifikant forøgelse af livskvalitet sammenlignet med gruppen, der cyklede uden VR. Ydermere viste studiet en signifikant reduceret arbejdsbyrde for personalet i den gruppe af borgere, som fik tilbudt VR-cykeltræning (læs studiet HER).
Studiet er udført i et samarbejde mellem Københavns Universitet, Herlev og Gentofte Hospital, Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital og Gentofte Kommune.
Kilde: Povlsen, S., Dela, F., and Suetta, C. (2021). Virtual Reality cycling exercise for elderly inpatient rehabilitation: an exploratory RCT. Abstract published at the research day for Danish Association for Geriatrics and Rehabilitation International World Congress.
Vi samarbejder med verdensførende partnere, universiteter og forskere med det formål at dokumentere effekten af VR-træning til gavn for patienter, borgere og sundhedspersonalet. Vi udbygger løbende evidensen igennem forskning.
Løbende vil denne liste udvides i takt med at resultater publiceres fra de igangværende studier.
2024: RCT study. VR cycling exercise for elderly patients. Bispebjerg Hospital, Geriatric Department. (This report is in English). (In process).
2024: Case study. Evaluation of VR assisted exercise intervention for elderly medical patients. Gentofte Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in English). (In process).
2023: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly medical patients in a Danish hospital. Bornholms Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in Danish).
2023: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly medical patients in a Danish hospital. Horsens Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in Danish).
2023: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for patients with neurological disorders and elderly medical patients in a Danish hospital. Nordsjællands Hospital, Department of Neurology and Medical Department. (This report is in Danish).
2022: Implementation study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for patients with heart diseases in a Danish hospital. Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Cardiology. (This report is in Danish).
2022: Implementation study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly medical patients in a Danish hospital. Gentofte Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in Danish).
2022: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for patients with neurological disorders in Danish hospitals. Bispebjerg Hospital, Svendborg Hospital, Slagelse Hospital, Department of Neurology. (This report is in Danish).
2022: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for gerontopsychiatric patients as an intervention against physical inactivity and sensory deprivation. Psychiatric Department Vejle. (This report is in Danish).
2021: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly medical patients in a Danish hospital. Gentofte Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in Danish).
2020: Pilot study exploring what it takes to implement a new digital VR intervention as a tool for healthcare professionals. Gentofte Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in English).
2019: Participatory IT study exploring the feasibility of a customized VR concept for elderly hospitalized patients. Gentofte Hospital, Medical Department. (This report is in English).
Midlertidige rehabiliteringspladser og rehabiliteringscenter
2024: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly in a Danish inpatient rehabilitation center. Fredensborg Kommune, Skovgården. (This report is in Danish). (In process).
2024: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly in a Danish inpatient rehabilitation center. Allerød Kommune, De Midlertidige Pladser. (This report is in Danish). (In process).
2022: Implementation and User-Acceptance-of-IT study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for elderly in a Danish inpatient rehabilitation center. Frederiksberg Kommune, Døgnrehabilitering. (This report is in Danish).
2021: RCT study. VR cycling exercise for elderly inpatient rehabilitation. Gentofte Kommune, Tranehaven. (This report is in English).
2021: Feasibility study. Evaluation of collaborative social 4-persons VR exercise in a Danish inpatient rehabilitation center. Frederiksberg Kommune, Døgnrehabilitering. (This report is in Danish and English).
2024: Large-scale implementation study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise and its effect for elderly and people with disabilities in four Danish nursing homes and a neurorehabilitation center. Nordfyns Kommune. (This report is in Danish). (In process).
2024: Implementation study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise and its effect for elderly people in a Danish nursing home. Assens Kommune, De Gamles Hjem. (This report is in Danish). (In process).
2021: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in a Swedish nursing home. City of Stockholm, Stureby care and nusing home. (This report is in Swedish and English).
2021: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in a Danish nursing home. Københavns Kommune, Sølund Plejecenter. (This report is in Danish).
2020: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in two Danish nursing homes. Gladsaxe Kommune, Møllegården og Egegården Plejecenter. (This report is in Danish).
2020: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in a Danish nursing home. Gentofte Kommune, Holmegårdsparken Plejecenter. (This report is in Danish).
2020: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in a Danish nursing home. Nordfyns Kommune, Kærgården Plejecenter. (This report is in Danish).
Bosteder og neurorehabiliteringscenter
2023: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for patients with neurological disorders and elderly medical patients in a Danish hospital. Nordsjællands Hospital, Department of Neurology and Medical Department. (This report is in Danish).
2022: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise for patients with neurological disorders in Danish hospitals. Bispebjerg Hospital, Svendborg Hospital, Slagelse Hospital, Department of Neurology. (This report is in Danish).
2022: Effect study. Evaluation of VR assisted biking and NuStep versus traditional biking and NuStep in a Danish neurorehabilitation center. Ballerup Kommune, Rødbo, Botilbud for voksne med erhvervet hjerneskade. (This report is in Danish).
2021: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in a Danish neurorehabilitation center. Københavns Kommune, Lions Kollegiet, Center for erhvervet hjerneskade. (This report is in Danish).
2021: Pilot study. Evaluation of implementation of VR assisted exercise in a Danish neurorehabilitation center. Ballerup Kommune, Rødbo, Botilbud for voksne med erhvervet hjerneskade. (This report is in Danish).
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